Public DNS Server List

DNS servers in Rwanda

This list of public and free DNS servers is checked continuously. Read how to change your DNS server settings .

IP Address Location AS Number Software / Version Checked Status Reliability Whois Kigali 37006 Liquid Telecommunication Rwanda 2023-03-18 02:49:53 UTC valid 100 % Whois Kigali 37006 Liquid Telecommunication Rwanda 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-72.el7 2023-02-28 00:00:35 UTC valid DNSSEC 97 % Whois 37006 Liquid Telecommunication Rwanda 2023-02-08 23:51:41 UTC valid DNSSEC 100 % Whois Kigali 37006 Liquid Telecommunication Rwanda 2022-10-29 15:32:23 UTC valid 57 % Whois 37228 Olleh-Rwanda-Networks 2022-10-27 10:36:00 UTC valid 31 % Whois

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